Iterating on YAML with Studio without ngrok

I’d like to iterate on my yaml with studio without using ngrok

Iterate on your application YAML

During installation, a new directory named replicated is created in your development server’s home directory. Once your license is activated, Replicated Studio will setup the most recent release and save it to ~/replicated/current.yaml. Any time this file is updated and saved, Replicated Studio will create a new release using the next available sequence number.

You can also use your favorite editor locally (like Atom, Visual Studio Code, Vim, or Emacs) and upload your changes once you’re ready. For example, to copy your YAML using scp:

scp current.yaml [myuser]@[]:/home/[myuser]/replicated

After you have uploaded your current.yaml changes, you can navigate to your on-prem Admin Console (https://<YOUR SERVER ADDRESS>:8800) and click the Check for updates button to see your new release.

Note: In the directory ~/replicated/releases you can view a copy of each release Replicated Studio has created along the way.
If you supply an invalid yaml file that isn’t recognized as a valid update in the on-prem UI, you can simply rm the invalid release iteration from the Studio server directory ~/replicated/releases and scp a fixed version to current.yaml.

Iterate on your Application Images

As well as being able to iterate on your application YAML, you can also use Studio to iterate on your Docker images. This simplifies the development workflow when you need to make changes to your code base to support on-prem deployments.

To do this, rebuild your Docker images on your Studio server reusing the existing tags. Once you restart the application from the on-prem Admin Console (https://<YOUR SERVER ADDRESS>:8800) or CLI, your updated images will be used by Replicated.

Note: When iterating on Docker images in Studio, referencing local Docker images using the latest tag is not supported. Replicated will re-pull any images with the latest tag, thus overwriting any changes you are making locally.

Additional features

The logs from Replicated Studio display any lint or syntax issues detected in your application yaml. You can also view all interactions the on-prem Replicated has with the Studio API.

You can follow these logs in real time using:

docker logs -f studio