No instances found for container

We have a customer who is reporting that they are seeing this repeated over and over in the logs on their appliance server:

May 22 11:58:37 dvlva0bt docker[5692]: ERROR 2018/05/22 15:58:37 premkit/log/gin.go:52 [GIN] 401 |    24.826µs | | POST   /api/v1/session/ping
May 22 11:58:45 dvlva0bt docker[5955]: WARN 2018-05-22T15:58:45+00:00 [replicated-native] templates_context_start.go:118 No instances found for container (MyContainerName, Container Image Name), failed to retrieve private ip address

Is this something we can resolve?


That sounds like a sequencing issue. If one container has a template function that references another (for instance, with the NodePrivateIPAddress function) then that container must start after the one it references - otherwise the value won’t have been populated yet. This can be enforced with subscriptions - Marc’s written up how to use them here.

Sorry about the slow reply here. I’ve just looked properly at your answer.

I found this in out replicated.yml

  enabled: '{{repl if ConfigOptionNotEquals "auth_source" "auth_type_internal"}}true{{repl else}}false{{repl end}}'
  provisioner: 'http://{{repl NodePrivateIPAddress "MyContainerName" "Container Image Name"}}:6006'
  - source: ldap
    enabled: '{{repl if ConfigOptionEquals "auth_source" "auth_type_ldap"}}true{{repl else}}false{{repl end}}'
  - source: ldap_advanced
    enabled: '{{repl if ConfigOptionEquals "auth_source" "auth_type_ldap_advanced"}}true{{repl else}}false{{repl end}}'

which must have been copy and pasted from Config Items

The interesting thing is that LDAP auth seems to work ok! What should we have in there?

Does your LDAP auth use a provisioner hosted as part of your app? (that’s what this looks like)

No, we just use the Identity API to check credentials at this point. The provisioner is for syncing tables, right?

Can we just remove that line?

I don’t think that line (as currently written) will ever produce useful output, as it is evaluated before any components are scheduled - and there’s no way to sequence it to run after components are scheduled.