Unable to verify license

I’m trying to use gitprime. I can curl gitprime.com and replicated.com. However, when I upload the license, i get this error:

Unable to verify license. Please check that this server can access the internet and has proper proxy settings.

I’m on an AWS AMI image provided by them. Here is what the replicated container log spits out on failure:

ERRO 2018-10-01T18:47:16+00:00 marketlicense/license.go:87 Post https://api.replicated.com/market/v1/license/properties: dial tcp: lookup api.replicated.com on read udp> i/o timeout
ERRO 2018-10-01T18:47:16+00:00 daemon/handlers/license.go:240 Failed to install license online: import license properties: Post https://api.replicated.com/market/v1/license/properties: dial tcp: lookup api.replicated.com on read udp> i/o timeout
ERRO 2018-10-01T18:47:16+00:00 premkit/log/gin.go:52 [GIN] 502 | 20.002257902s |  | POST    /v0.1/license

If you have a nameserver on the host listening on localhost and Docker copies that configuration into the container, then the container will look in its own network namespace for the nameserver. What are the contents of your /etc/resolv.conf file on the host and in the Replicated container?

In the host machine:

    ; Created by cloud-init on instance boot automatically, do not edit.
    ; generated by /usr/sbin/dhclient-script
    search us-west-2.compute.internal

In the replicated container:

    search us-west-2.compute.internal
    options ndots:0 

Interestingly, it works in a different region of aws.

In the other region where it’s working, what does /etc/resolv.conf look like in the Replicated container? Is there a proxy required for either instance?

There is no proxy in either case.

Here is the other region host /etc/resolv/conf:

; generated by /usr/sbin/dhclient-script
search us-west-1.compute.internal

Could you check on the machine that isn’t working if there are any configurations in /etc/docker/daemon.json or if there were any different flags passed to the Docker server with ps auxw | grep dockerd ?

/etc/docker/daemon.json doesnt exist


[centos@ip-10-0-38-15 ~]$ sudo ps auxw | grep dockerd
root      1112  2.5  0.6 1131920 97120 ?       Ssl  Oct03  79:09 /usr/bin/dockerd
centos    8007  0.0  0.0 112708   964 pts/0    S+   22:38   0:00 grep --color=auto dockerd

Hi @tyler,

I am a customer experience engineer with GitPrime and I’d like to take a closer look at the issue you are having. Would you have time for a video call/ screen share with us? You can email me directly at jsooter@gitprime.com