Update Policies, Checks and Application

Update Policies

In Replicated, you can configure a customer’s update policy in the Customers section in Vendor Web.

There are two options:

  • Manual: This options requires customers click the “Install Update” button,
  • Automatic: Replicated will install the update when an update check is run.

Update Checks

The default update check schedule is set to occur every 5 hours.

Change Default Update Schedule for your Customers

If you are a vendor and would like to apply a default update check schedule, you can do that through replicatedctl:

replicatedctl params set AppUpdateCheckSchedule --value '@every 1h'

The field accepts either a crontab format or the @every syntax with one of the following time units: “h”, “m”, “s”, “ms”, “us” (or “µs”), or “ns”.

Customer Custom Update Schedule Configuration

Customers can configure their update checks through their console management settings.

Customers have the option between using one of the pre-defined defaults or providing their own schedule in crontab format.

Update Application

If the update policy is set to Automatic, the update will be applied automatically when the next scheduled update check is run.

If the update policy is set to Manual, the customer will have to apply the update by either checking for an update or applying the new update found by a schedueld update check.

Updates with Replicated Studio

While Replicated Studio will automatically promote a release, a couple configuration options must be set for updates to be applied automatically in your testing:

  1. Check Automatic in your update policy.
  2. Update the app’s license if the app is already running (Replicated UI > Settings > View License > Sync License)
  3. Configure the update schedule to your liking (recommended: 1 minute).