Using Studio without ngrok (Docker Swarm)

I’d like to use Studio without ngrok on Docker Swarm.

You’ll need to install Studio onto your development server (not your development machine like you would do w/ ngrok).

First, use our simple installation script (on a Linux server in your IaaS provider of choice, or in a local dev environment in Vagrant/VirtualBox) to install Replicated with Swarm.

curl -sSL | sudo bash

Update the Replicated Configuration

Find the private IP of the host:

sudo docker info --format "{{.Swarm.NodeAddr}}"

Update the replicated_replicated Swarm service and change the environment variable MARKET_BASE_URL to http://[private-ip-address]:8006. For example if your the ip you obtained from the previous command was you will run the following:

sudo docker service update replicated_replicated \
    --env-add MARKET_BASE_URL=

Run Replicated Studio

mkdir -p $HOME/replicated

sudo docker run --name studio -d \
    --restart always \
    -v $HOME/replicated:/replicated \
    -p 8006:8006 \

From there you’ll need to iterate on your YAML: