Installation Script


Prompted during 100% of installations:

Does this machine require a proxy to access the Internet? (y/N)

This will always accept the default answer after 20 seconds, if not supplied. The default is N, unless
the environment variable (one of http_proxy | https_proxy | HTTP_PROXY | HTTPS_PROXY) is set, then the default is Y.


If Docker is not installed or at the correct version, no prompt or action is visible.
If Docker is detected and older than the current supported version the following prompt is displayed:

This installer will upgrade your current version of Docker (1.8.2) to the minimum required version: 1.9.1
Do you want to allow this? (Y/n)

Selecting Y will upgrade Docker. Selecting N will exit the script with instructions indicating that
you should upgrade your Docker installation. Making no selection will default to Y after 20 seconds.

If Docker is detected and newer than the currently supported version the following prompt is displayed and
the installer is aborted:

The installed version of Docker (1.9.4) may not be compatible with this installer.
The recommended version is 1.9.1
Do you want to proceed anyway? (y/N)


If the server is in EC2 or GCE with common configuration settings, no prompts will be visible. The Cloud Provider
Metadata API will provide the private/public interfaces and the installation will continue.

If the server has eth0 and only eth0 (IPv4 assignment, excluding docker0 and lo interfaces), it will be
assumed and the installation will continue.

If the server has no eth0 or multiple valid interfaces found, a prompt similar to the following will be presented:

Analyzing network configuration...
The installer was unable to automatically detect the private IP address of this machine.
Please choose one of the following network interfaces:
[0] default: unspecified
[1] lo
[2] eth0
[3] eth1
[4] docker0

Making no selection will default to unspecified after 60 seconds… for which Replicated will attempt to pick the best option.