Regarding smpt_auth in test-procs, how can I concatenate two strings (host and port) in the arg_field?

Regarding smpt_auth test-procs, the first argument is expecting the server address with the port. I’d like to separate the two fields into a host and port in the settings UI. How can I concatenate two strings in the arg_field?

    display_name: Test SMTP Authentication
    command: smtp_auth
    - **smtp_host_address:smtp_port**  # this won’t work
    - smtp_starttls

Unfortunately, test procs are rather rigid in what they accept. arg_fields is an array, and we can’t concatenate things within that array. However, we can concatenate things outside of that array, using a hidden config item and template functions.

- name: concat_group
  - name: entire_smtp_address
    type: text
    hidden: true
    readonly: true
    value: '{{repl ConfigOption "smtp_host_address" }}:{{repl ConfigOption "smtp_port" }}'

entire_smtp_address can then be used within the smtp_auth test.