Test Procedures

The config section of the Replicated YAML creates a dynamic settings page that customers can use to configure their instance.

This content is associated with a legacy version of the Replicated product. For the current Replicated product documentation, see docs.replicated.com.

The test_proc property in the configuration section of the YAML gives you the ability to easily test the validity of the unsaved configuration parameters entered by the end-user with minimal configuration.

Following is a detailed list of YAML properties of the test_proc object:

Name Type Required Description
display_name string yes The text to show in the button in the browser UI.
run_on_save string or boolean no When true this test will run on saving the configuration.
timeout int no Timeout in seconds, default 15 seconds, -1 denotes no timeout
command string yes The command that will be run. See the list below for a list of available commands.
arg_fields []string no A list of config item names for which to pass values to the test procedure.
args []string no A list of static arguments to pass to the test procedure.
when string no Will determine if the test procedure is runnable (evaluated to a boolean value)


There are two different argument properties of the test_proc object.

  1. arg_fields: A list of configuration item names. When run, the item values will be passed to the command in order. This field only applies to test procedures that are a property of a configuration group. When a property of an item, the first argument will always be the item value.

  2. args: A list of static arguments that will be passed to the command. These will be appended after any arg_fields values.


For additional functionality, fully customizable commands can be achieved through the use of Programmable Test Procedures.

See below for a list of test commands that are built into the Replicated Platform:

Resolve Host

resolve_host – Test whether or not a hostname can be resolved. Applies to a single item. The item’s value will be resolved on the Replicated Management machine. Success or failure is reported directly on the configuration screen.

  - name: hostname
    title: Hostname
    type: text
      run_on_save: true
      display_name: Test Hostname Resolution
      command: resolve_host
      - hostname

GitHub App Auth

github_app_auth – Test whether or not the supplied GitHub app key and secret are valid. Applies to a group of items. Both mainline and private enterprise versions of GitHub are supported. This command expects exactly 5 arguments. These arguments come from values entered by your customer into the config items within this group. The arguments, in expected order:

  1. GitHub service type. Either github_type_public, or github_type_enterprise.
  2. Enterprise service hostname, e.g. github.mydomain.com
  3. Enterprise service protocol. Either github_enterprise_protocol_http, or github_enterprise_protocol_https.
  4. GitHub app OAuth key.
  5. GitHub app OAuth secret.
- name: github
  title: GitHub Integration
  description: Provide the location of your GitHub account
    display_name: Test GitHub Authentication
    command: github_app_auth
    timeout: 5 # in seconds, default is 10
    - github_type
    - github_enterprise_host
    - github_enterprise_protocol
    - github_client_id
    - github_client_secret
  - name: github_type

AWS Auth

aws_auth – Test whether or not the supplied AWS key and secret are valid. Applies to a group of items. This command expects 3 arguments. These arguments come from values entered by your customer into the config items within this group. The arguments, in expected order:

  1. Access key ID.
  2. Secret access key.
  3. AWS service. Valid values are ec2, s3, and sqs. Credentials will be validated using DescribeRegions, ListAllMyBuckets, and ListQueues operations respectively.
  4. (Optional) Custom S3 endpoint. s3 AWS service must be set. Allows for specifying a custom endpoint if you are using an S3-compatible service like Minio.
  5. (Optional) AWS Region (us-east-1 by default).
- name: aws
  title: AWS Integration
  description: Provide your AWS Credentials
    display_name: Test AWS Auth
    command: aws_auth
    timeout: 5
      - aws_access_key_id
      - aws_secret_access_key
      - aws_service
      - aws_custom_endpoint
      - aws_region
    - name: aws_access_key_id
      title: AWS Access Key ID
      type: password
      desciption: Will use instance profiles if possible when left blank.
    - name: aws_secret_access_key
      title: AWS Secret Access Key
      type: password
      desciption: Will use instance profiles if possible when left blank.
    - name: aws_service
      title: AWS Service
      type: select_one
        - name: s3
          title: S3
        - name: ec2
          title: EC2
        - name: sqs
          title: SQS
    - name: aws_custom_endpoint
      title: AWS Custom Endpoint
      type: text
    - name: aws_region
      title: AWS Region
      type: text
      default: us-east-1

Certificate Verification

certificate_verify – Test whether or not the supplied x509 certificate is valid. Optionally validate the key pair, hostname and CA certificate. Applies to a group of items. This command expects the certificate as the first argument with additional optional arguments private key and hostname. If a CA cert is not supplied and the certificate issuer is the same as the subject of the supplied certificate, it is treated as a self-signed certificate. These arguments come from values entered by your customer into the config items within this group. The arguments, in expected order:

  1. x509 certificate
  2. Private key (optional)
  3. Hostname (optional)
  4. x509 CA certificate (optional)
- name: web_server
  title: Web server settings
  description: Please provide your hostname and TLS cert and key.
    display_name: Verify TLS settings
    command: certificate_verify
    timeout: 5
    - ssl_cert
    - ssl_key
    - hostname
    - ca_cert
  - name: hostname


smtp_auth – Test whether or not the supplied credentials are valid for the given SMTP server. Note that this procedure only tests authentication; it does not test whether or not mail is actually deliverable.

The command expects 5 arguments. These arguments come from values entered by your customer into the config items within this group. The arguments, in expected order:

  • Address:port of the SMTP server to test against
  • Whether or not to use SSL/TLS. Possible values: “0” or “1”
  • Type of authentication to try. Possible values: “Plain”, “CRAM-MD5”, “Login” or “None”
  • Username to send
  • Password to send

Note that the address of the SMTP server must contain the correct port number ie smtp.gmail.com:587 for the test procedure to validate correctly. A type of “None” will only ensure the socket is available.

- name: email_settings
  title: E-mail Settings
  description: Provide SMTP details which will enable the sending of e-mails
    display_name: Test SMTP Authentication
    command: smtp_auth
    - smtp_address
    - smtp_use_ssl
    - smtp_auth_type
    - smtp_auth_username
    - smtp_auth_password
  - name: smtp_address
    type: text

File Exists

file_exists - Test if a file exists on the host by giving its expected path. This can be applied to a group or an item, if applied to an item they imply the value, if applied to a group, then you must specify the item to get the value from. The following arguments are optional:

  1. Regular expression to run against file path (optional)
  2. File mode. (optional)
  3. File mode is at least (optional - default exact match)
- name: some_itmes
  title: Config Items
  - name: a_file_that_exists
    type: text
    title: Path to file that needs to exist
      display_name: Check that file exists
      command: file_exists
      - "^\\/data\\/.+\\.tar$"
      - "644"
      - true

Regex Match

regex_match - Test if a given value matches a a regular expression for validation purposes. This can be applied to a group or an item, if applied to an item they imply the value, if applied to a group, then you must specify the item to get the value from.

  1. Regular expression to run against text area
  2. Error message if regular expression doesn’t match. (optional)
- name: some_items
  title: Config Items
  - name: phone_number
    type: text
      display_name: Is this a Phone Number?
      command: regex_match
      - "^[0-9()-]+$"
      - "That doesn't seem to be a phone number!"


ldap_auth - This test will ensure that the fields that your customer is supplying are complete and valid, for a detailed implementation reference see our LDAP integration section. Note you have to pass all the arg_fields for the test to validate correctly.

These arguments come from values entered by your customer into the config items within this group.

Required arguments:

  1. ldap_type - Type of LDAP integration:
  • ldap_type_openldap (A LDAP server other then Active Directory)
  • ldap_type_ad (Active directory)
  1. ldap_hostname - The LDAP host, ie. ldap.customer.com
  2. ldap_port Port LDAP services are listening on ie 389 or 636
  3. ldap_encryption - Type of encryption your LDAP is using:
  • ldap_encryption_plain (Plain)
  • ldap_encryption_starttls (upgrade to SSL/TLS encrypted communication after initial communication)
  • ldap_encryption_ldaps (fully encrypted from start)
  1. ldap_search_user - The LDAP search user that performs user lookup.
  2. ldap_search_password - The password for the LDAP search user.
  3. ldap_base_dn - The Distinguished Name (DN) of an LDAP subtree you want to search for users and groups.
  4. ldap_usersearch_dn - DN to search for users.
  5. ldap_restricted_user_group - Restricted DN group that only users from this group will be allowed to log in with. This can be an empty string.
  6. ldap_username_field - The username that will appear on the user’s app name field.
  7. ldap_login_username - The LDAP username that identifies the LDAP user who attempts authentication.
  8. ldap_login_password - The LDAP password for the user attempting authentication.

Optional arguments:

  1. ldap_advanced_search - True value indicates that advanced search queries is to be used.
  2. ldap_user_query - The LDAP query to use to find the user.
  3. ldap_restricted_group_query - The LDAP query to use to validate user group membership.
- name: ldap_settings
  title: LDAP Server Settings
  when: auth_source=auth_type_ldap
      display_name: Test Credentials
      command: ldap_auth
        - ldap_type
        - ldap_hostname
        - ldap_port
        - ldap_encryption
        - ldap_search_user
        - ldap_search_password
        - ldap_base_dn
        - ldap_usersearch_dn
        - ldap_restricted_user_group
        - ldap_username_field
        - ldap_login_username
        - ldap_login_password
        - ldap_advanced_search
        - ldap_user_query
        - ldap_restricted_group_query

JSON Validation

validate_json - Tests for valid JSON. The validate_json test procedure takes a single argument which is the item name that contains the JSON to test.

- name: json
  title: Advanced JSON Value
  type: text
    display_name: Validate JSON
    command: validate_json
    - json