Commands Reference

Command reference sub-specification for Programmable Preflight Checks and Test Procedures.

This content is associated with a legacy version of the Replicated product. For the current Replicated product documentation, see


Commands are a sub-specification of both Programmable Preflight Checks and Test Procedures. They return result messages, a status code and an error. Next we will look at examples. For details on the properties please see the resource specification section at the bottom of the page.


The scheduler command references a container in the components section of the YAML. Standard out and standard error will be captured and returned via the result message. Any exit code as a result of the container will be returned via the status code of the command. When the container cannot be run due to an error, an error will be returned. The container will be run on the nodes as specified by the component section of the container YAML.

Id: scheduler

Status Codes: 1, 22, 62 *

Name Type Required Description
data {replicated: {component: string, container: string}} yes A component and container reference
cmd string no Optionally override the container cmd
config_files array[ConfigFile] no v2.7.0 Additional config files to mount as volumes in the container
entrypoint array[string] no Optionally override the container entrypoint
ports array[ExposedPort] no Optionally override the container exposed ports


id: scheduler
timeout: 30 # in seconds, default to 15, -1 == no timeout
  component: DB # the component and container from the components section of the YAML
  container: mysql
  cmd: "[\"sh\", \"-c\", \"'exec mysql -h {{repl ThisNodePrivateIPAddress }} -u myuser -p {{repl ConfigOption \"mysql_pass\" }} yourdatabase < /opt/check-schema-version.sql'\"]"
    - filename: /opt/check-schema-version.sql
  contents: |
    select version from schema limit 1;    
  ports: [] # override scheduler container properties


The raw command is run inside Replicated’s command container. The clustering and tags properties will determine where the command is run. If clustering is disabled the command will run on all nodes in the cluster. Additional properties to the raw command are all that can be specified in the container section of the YAML.

Id: raw

Status Codes: 1, 22, 62 *

Name Type Required Description
cmd string yes The cmd to be run when executing the container
cluster string no Is clustering enabled (evaluated to a boolean value)
tags array[string] no Determines nodes where the check is performed when cluster=true
conflicts array[string] no Skips nodes with the tag when cluster=true
additional… no all possible container properties


id: raw
  cmd: '["test", "-e", "/host/etc/vendor-license"]'
    - host_path: /etc
  container_path: /host/etc
  options: ["ro"]

Disk Space Available

The disk space available command will return the disk space available in bytes. Note that the result is always a string and must be parsed (e.g. {{repl .Result | ParseFloat | lt 1e+9 }} or {{repl .Result | ParseFloat | HumanSize }}). The clustering and tags properties will determine where the command is run. If cluster is false the command will run on all nodes in the cluster.

Id: disk_space_available

Status Codes: 1, 22, 62 *

Name Type Required Description
dir string yes The directory to check
cluster string no Is clustering enabled (evaluated to a boolean value)
tags array[string] no Determines nodes where the check is performed when cluster=true
conflicts array[string] no Skips nodes with the tag when cluster=true


id: disk_space_available
  cluster: true
  tags: ["db"]
  dir: /data/mysql

Disk Space Total

The disk space total command will return the disk space available in bytes. Note that the result is always a string and must be parsed (e.g. {{repl .Result | ParseFloat | lt 1e+9 }} or {{repl .Result | ParseFloat | HumanSize }}). The clustering and tags properties will determine where the command is run. If cluster is false the command will run on all nodes in the cluster.

Id: disk_space_total

Status Codes: 1, 22, 62 *

Name Type Required Description
dir string yes The directory to check
cluster string no Is clustering enabled (evaluated to a boolean value)
tags array[string] no Determines nodes where the check is performed when cluster=true
conflicts array[string] no Skips nodes with the tag when cluster=true


id: disk_space_total
  cluster: true
  tags: ["db"]
  dir: /data/mysql

Port Available

The port available command will determine whether the port and ip are available for use. Status code 98 (address already in use) will be returned when unable to bind to the address. The clustering and tags properties will determine where the command is run. If cluster is false the command will run on all nodes in the cluster.

Id: port_available

Status Codes: 1, 22, 62, 98 *

Name Type Required Description
port string yes The port to check
proto string no The protocol, one of tcp (default) or udp
ip string no The ip to bind to, defaults to (will take precedence over interface if set)
interface string no The interface to bind to
cluster string no Is clustering enabled (evaluated to a boolean value)
tags array[string] no Determines nodes where the check is performed when cluster=true
conflicts array[string] no Skips nodes with the tag when cluster=true


id: port_available
  port: '80'
  ip: '{{repl ThisNodePrivateIPAddress }}'
  cluster: true
  tags: ["lb"]

TCP Dial

The tcp dial command will determine whether a connection can be made over tcp to the address specified. Status code 111 (connection refused) will be returned when unable to connect to the address. The clustering and tags properties will determine where the command is run. If cluster is false the command will run only on the local node.

Id: tcp_dial

Status Codes: 1, 22, 62, 111 *

Name Type Required Description
addr string yes The address to connect to
cluster string no Is clustering enabled (evaluated to a boolean value)
tags array[string] no Determines nodes where the check is performed when cluster=true
conflicts array[string] no Skips nodes with the tag when cluster=true


id: tcp_dial
  addr: ''
  cluster: false

HTTP Request

The HTTP Request command will make an HTTP request to the URL specified. The HTTP Status Code will be returned upon a successful HTTP request. Status code 111 (connection refused) will be returned when unable to connect to the address. The clustering and tags properties will determine where the command is run. If cluster is false the command will run only on the local node.

Id: http_request

Status Codes: 1, 22, 62, 111 * and all HTTP Status Codes

Name Type Required Description
url string yes The HTTP request URL
method string no The HTTP request method (default “GET”)
headers map[string]array[string] no Additional HTTP request headers
body string no The HTTP request body
insecureSkipVerify boolean no Skip TLS certificate verification
noProxy boolean no Bypass any HTTP proxy


id: http_request
  url: ''
  method: 'HEAD'
  cluster: false

Resource Specification


The command resource represents the command that is to be run. The command will return messages, a status code and possibly an error. See the commands section for a list of supported operations.

Name Type Required Description
id string yes The command id
timeout int no Timeout in seconds, default 15 seconds, -1 denotes no timeout
data object no The command data


The result resource represents the different possible outcomes of the command. A result contains a status, message and condition. Result are evaluated in order and the first matching result will determine the requirement status. If no condition properties are specified that result will always evaluate to true. If no results match the requirement will receive status error.

Name Type Required Description
status string yes One of success, warn or error
message string or Message yes A description of the result
condition Condition no The condition that must be met


All properties of a condition must be met to determine that condition to be true. The bool_expr property is intended to be evaluated using Replicated templates. This template will receive the following variables from the result of the command: .Results (array of messages), .Result (the first message), .StatusCode, .Error.

Name Type Required Description
error boolean no Did the command result in an error?
status_code int no The command status code
bool_expr string no An expression that can be evaluated and parsed as a boolean


A message resource can be localized via the id. It contains a default message that will be displayed when no localization is present. Messages have arguments that can be substituted into the text via templates.

Name Type Required Description
id string no The message identifier. Can be used to localize the message.
default_message string yes The default message
args map[string]string no Arguments to the message

Status Codes

Code Description
1 Catchall for general errors
22 Invalid argument
62 Timeout
98 Address already in use
111 Connection refused