Packaging An Application

The components section of the Replicated YAML defines how the containers will be created and started.

This content is associated with a legacy version of the Replicated product. For the current Replicated product documentation, see

This section will walk you through creating the first release, and will document all available options you can use when writing an application for the Replicated Native Scheduler.

Replicated will deploy an application that is defined in a YAML manifest. There are several top level keys (sections) of a Replicated YAML. The YAML spec is defined at

An example, short and valid YAML file for the Replicated Native Scheduler is below. These keys are explained below this YAML.

replicated_api_version: 2.56.6
name: My Enterprise Application
  app_url: http://{{repl ThisNodePrivateIPAddress }}
  console_title: My Enterprise Application
  enabled: true

# Create a random string to persist over the lifetime of this installation
  - name: jwt_hmac_secret
    cmd: random
      - "128"

# Include a single redis container
  - name: Redis
      - source: public
        image_name: redis
        version: 3.2.11

# Define CPU and memory graphs to show in the Admin Console
    - Redis,redis
    - Redis,redis

# Define the config screen to show in the Admin Console
  - name: hostname
    title: Hostname
    description: Ensure this domain name is routable on your network.
    type: text
    required: true

Replicated API Version

The replicated_api_version key is required as a top level key in every YAML. This should be set to the minimum version of Replicated required to run this release. The current API version to use is 2.56.6, and the latest version can always be found on our changelog. The Replicated Native Scheduler will refuse to install an application requiring a newer version of Replicated than available. This is designed so you can rely on newer features of Replicated in your application.

replicated_api_version: 2.56.6

Application Basics

The next section includes some basic information about your application release including the app name.

name: My Enterprise Application

Detailed App Properties Description

The properties section includes definitions of some recommended application properties. For a list of available properties see Application Properties. You will notice the {{repl escape sequence. This invokes a Replicated template function which is a way to pull generated, customer supplied, or other outside values into an installation.

  app_url: http://{{repl ThisNodePrivateIPAddress }}
  console_title: My Enterprise Application


The terms section allows you to specify content to display to the end-user in the Admin Console prior to installing a license. These terms must be accepted by the end-user before proceeding. This functionality is only available when using the release channel installation script available in the “/channels” screen of the Vendor Portal.

  markdown: |
    # Terms

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum non bibendum orci. Sed quis malesuada nisl, id congue ex. Nunc vestibulum eleifend tellus, vel facilisis odio aliquam non. Quisque ut est quis neque tempor feugiat...    

Snapshots (Backups)

The snapshots key is available to to enable and configure Snapshots. The following example will enable snapshots from the Admin Console, using the default behavior.

  enabled: true


The Replicated platform has some built in commands that make writing your configuration much more powerful. In the cmds section you can write commands which you can use later. These are useful to generate install-time values such as default TLS certs/keys, randomized passwords, other other values.

  - name: jwt_hmac_secret
    cmd: random
      - "128"


The components section defines the container runtime environment for your containers when using the Replicated Native Scheduler. This includes everything, including the container image, environment variables, startup events, config files and clustering.

 - name: Redis
      - source: public
        image_name: redis
        version: 3.2.11


The Replicated Native Scheduler can include CPU and memory monitors for any container without any code. The following YAML will show a CPU and a memory graph of the redis container on the Admin Console dashboard page.

    - Redis,redis
     - Redis,redis

Customer Config Section

This section is where you can configure fields to gather input from the user. This input can be used to further configure your application. The values here can be used as inputs to environment variables and config files by using the template functions. They can also be tested for validity with test procs. These items will render as a form in the Settings screen of the Replicated admin console.

  - name: hostname
    title: Hostname
    description: Ensure this domain name is routable on your network.
    type: text
    required: true

There are other keys, not listed here, that are required to enable advanced functionality. To see more, continue reading or head to the examples of the Replicated Native Scheduler.