Support Bundle (Older Instances)

Installed instances can generate a support bundle with relevant logs and instance information.

This content is associated with a legacy version of the Replicated product. For the current Replicated product documentation, see

Custom Files and Commands

In addition to the default support files included in the support bundle, additional files can be added via the support section of your yaml. Files from within the application’s containers can be included, as well as output of commands executed in the container. Support files and commands are supported by both the native and kubernetes schedulers. For more complex support commands it is possible to create a config file and execute that file from a support command. These files will be available within the /scheduler directory of the support bundle.

    - filename: /var/log/nginx/access.log
          component: Nginx
          container: my-nginx
            run: my-nginx
    - filename: access_last_1000.log
      command: [tail, -n1000, /var/log/nginx/access.log]
          component: Nginx
          container: my-nginx
            run: my-nginx

Excluding Logs From Support Bundles

If a container’s logs may contain sensitive information or are simply large and not useful for your debugging processes, you can exclude that container’s logs from support bundles and disk persistance. To do this, add the label com.replicated.excludelogs=true to the container in question.

Default Support Files

By default the Support Bundle V1 will include the following files:

File Description
/daemon/auditlogs/* Audit log events.
/daemon/commands/date Result of the command date. Print the system date and time.
/daemon/commands/df Result of the command df -al. Report file system disk space usage for the local file systems.
/daemon/commands/df_inodes Result of the command df -ali. Report file system inode usage for the local file systems.
/daemon/commands/dmesg Result of the command dmesg. Print the kernel ring buffer.
/daemon/commands/free Result of the command free -m. Display amount of free and used memory in the system.
/daemon/commands/hostname Result of the command hostname. Show the system’s host name.
/daemon/commands/ip_addr_show Result of the command ip -o addr show. Show protocol (IP or IPv6) addresses on a device.
/daemon/commands/ip_link_show Result of the command ip -o link show. Show network devices.
/daemon/commands/ip_route_show Result of the command ip -o route show. Show routing table entries.
/daemon/commands/ps Result of the command ps fauxwww. Report a snapshot of the current processes.
/daemon/commands/uptime Result of the command uptime. Tell how long the system has been running.
/daemon/docker/docker_info.json Display system-wide information.
/daemon/docker/docker_ps_a.json Result of the command docker ps -a. List all containers.
/daemon/etc/centos-release A copy of the /etc/centos-release file. Contain operating system identification data for centos distribution.
/daemon/etc/default/docker A copy of the /etc/default/docker file. Upstart docker configuration.
/daemon/etc/default/replicated A copy of the /etc/default/replicated file. Upstart replicated configuration.
/daemon/etc/default/replicated-operator A copy of the /etc/default/replicated-operator file. Upstart replicated-operator configuration.
/daemon/etc/hostname A copy of the /etc/hostname file. The system’s host name.
/daemon/etc/hosts A copy of the /etc/hosts file. Static table lookup for hostnames.
/daemon/etc/os-release A copy of the /etc/os-release file. Contain operating system identification data.
/daemon/etc/replicated.conf A copy of the /etc/replicated.conf file. Replicated legacy 1.x configuration.
/daemon/etc/sysconfig/docker A copy of the /etc/sysconfig/docker file. Legacy systemd docker configuration.
/daemon/etc/sysconfig/replicated A copy of the /etc/sysconfig/replicated file. Systemd replicated configuration.
/daemon/etc/sysconfig/replicated-operator A copy of the /etc/sysconfig/replicated-operator file. Systemd replicated-operator configuration.
/daemon/etc/system-release A copy of the /etc/system-release file. Contain operating system identification data.
/daemon/etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/http-proxy.conf A copy of the /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/http-proxy.conf file. Systemd docker proxy configuration.
/daemon/etc/timezone A copy of the /etc/timezone file. The system’s timezone.
/daemon/journald/replicated.log Result of the command journalctl -u replicated file. Journald replicated logs.
/daemon/journald/replicated-operator.log Result of the command journalctl -u replicated-operator file. Journald replicated-operator logs.
/daemon/journald/replicated-ui.log Result of the command journalctl -u replicated-ui file. Journald replicated-ui logs.
/daemon/proc/cpuinfo A copy of the /proc/cpuinfo file. Information about the processor, such as its type, make, model, and performance.
/daemon/proc/loadavg The system load average. A copy of the /proc/loadavg file
/daemon/proc/meminfo A copy of the /proc/meminfo file. Information about memory usage, both physical and swap.
/daemon/proc/mounts A copy of the /proc/mounts file. Mounted filesystems.
/daemon/proc/uptime A copy of the /proc/uptime file. The time the system has been up.
/daemon/proc/version A copy of the /proc/version file. The kernel version.
/daemon/proc/vmstat A copy of the /proc/vmstat file. Detailed virtual memory statistics from the kernel.
/daemon/replicated/config-commands.txt A list of all configuration test commands that were run and the results.
/daemon/replicated/daemon.json Daemon properties and runtime configuration.
/daemon/replicated/ledis-app.dump A dump of the Replicated database.
/daemon/replicated/ledis-registry.dump A dump of the Replicated registry database.
/daemon/replicated/params.json Daemon runtime configuration.
/daemon/replicated/replicated-inspect.json Result of the command docker inspect replicated. Return low-level information on the replicated container.
/daemon/replicated/replicated-operator-inspect.json Result of the command docker inspect replicated-operator. Return low-level information on the replicated-operator container.
/daemon/replicated/replicated-operator.log Result of the command docker logs replicated-operator --tail 10000. Docker replicated-operator container logs.
/daemon/replicated/replicated-ui-inspect.json Result of the command docker inspect replicated-ui. Return low-level information on the replicated-ui container.
/daemon/replicated/replicated-ui.log Result of the command docker logs replicated-ui --tail 10000. Docker replicated-ui container logs.
/daemon/replicated/replicated-versions.txt A list of all running replicated components and their versions.
/daemon/replicated/replicated.log Result of the command docker logs replicated --tail 10000. Docker replicated container logs.
/daemon/replicated/runtime/goroutines.txt Stack traces of all current goroutines.
/daemon/replicated/tasks.txt A list of all current tasks: queued, executing, or sleeping.
/daemon/var/log/upstart/docker.log A copy of the /var/log/upstart/docker.log file. Upstart docker logs.
/daemon/var/log/upstart/replicated-operator.log A copy of the /var/log/upstart/replicated-operator.log file. Upstart replicated-operator logs.
/daemon/var/log/upstart/replicated-ui.log A copy of the /var/log/upstart/replicated-ui.log file. Upstart replicated-ui logs.
/daemon/var/log/upstart/replicated.log A copy of the /var/log/upstart/replicated.log file. Upstart replicated logs.
/scheduler/container/<container_id>/inspect Result of the command docker inspect <container_id>. Displays low-level information on a Docker container.
/scheduler/container/<container_id>/stdout.log Result of the command docker logs <container_id>. Docker container logs stdout.
/scheduler/container/<container_id>/stderr.log Result of the command docker logs <container_id>. Docker container logs stderr.
/scheduler/container/<container_id>/files/* Contains any custom container files as specified by the vendor application.
/scheduler/container/<container_id>/commands/* Contains any custom container commands as specified by the vendor application.
/scheduler/node/<node_id>/commands/date Result of the command date. Print the system date and time.
/scheduler/node/<node_id>/commands/df Result of the command df -al. Report file system disk space usage for the local file systems.
/scheduler/node/<node_id>/commands/df_inodes Result of the command df -ali. Report file system inode usage for the local file systems.
/scheduler/node/<node_id>/commands/dmesg Result of the command dmesg. Print the kernel ring buffer.
/scheduler/node/<node_id>/commands/free Result of the command free -m. Display amount of free and used memory in the system.
/scheduler/node/<node_id>/commands/hostname Result of the command hostname. Show the system’s host name.
/scheduler/node/<node_id>/commands/ip_addr_show Result of the command ip -o addr show. Show protocol (IP or IPv6) addresses on a device.
/scheduler/node/<node_id>/commands/ip_link_show Result of the command ip -o link show. Show network devices.
/scheduler/node/<node_id>/commands/ip_route_show Result of the command ip -o route show. Show routing table entries.
/scheduler/node/<node_id>/commands/ps Result of the command ps fauxwww. Report a snapshot of the current processes.
/scheduler/node/<node_id>/commands/uptime Result of the command uptime. Tell how long the system has been running.
/scheduler/node/<node_id>/docker/docker_info.json Display system-wide information.
/scheduler/node/<node_id>/docker/docker_ps_a.json Result of the command docker ps -a. List all containers.
/scheduler/node/<node_id>/etc/centos-release A copy of the /etc/centos-release file. Contain operating system identification data for centos distribution.
/scheduler/node/<node_id>/etc/default/docker A copy of the /etc/default/docker file. Upstart docker configuration.
/scheduler/node/<node_id>/etc/default/replicated A copy of the /etc/default/replicated file. Upstart replicated configuration.
/scheduler/node/<node_id>/etc/default/replicated-operator A copy of the /etc/default/replicated-operator file. Upstart replicated-operator configuration.
/scheduler/node/<node_id>/etc/hostname A copy of the /etc/hostname file. The system’s host name.
/scheduler/node/<node_id>/etc/hosts A copy of the /etc/hosts file. Static table lookup for hostnames.
/scheduler/node/<node_id>/etc/os-release A copy of the /etc/os-release file. Contain operating system identification data.
/scheduler/node/<node_id>/etc/replicated.conf A copy of the /etc/replicated.conf file. Replicated legacy 1.x configuration.
/scheduler/node/<node_id>/etc/sysconfig/docker A copy of the /etc/sysconfig/docker file. Legacy systemd docker configuration.
/scheduler/node/<node_id>/etc/sysconfig/replicated A copy of the /etc/sysconfig/replicated file. Systemd replicated configuration.
/scheduler/node/<node_id>/etc/sysconfig/replicated-operator A copy of the /etc/sysconfig/replicated-operator file. Systemd replicated-operator configuration.
/scheduler/node/<node_id>/etc/system-release A copy of the /etc/system-release file. Contain operating system identification data.
/scheduler/node/<node_id>/etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/http-proxy.conf A copy of the /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/http-proxy.conf file. Systemd docker proxy configuration.
/scheduler/node/<node_id>/etc/timezone A copy of the /etc/timezone file. The system’s timezone.
/scheduler/node/<node_id>/proc/cpuinfo A copy of the /proc/cpuinfo file. Information about the processor, such as its type, make, model, and performance.
/scheduler/node/<node_id>/proc/meminfo A copy of the /proc/meminfo file. Information about memory usage, both physical and swap.
/scheduler/node/<node_id>/proc/mounts A copy of the /proc/mounts file. Mounted filesystems.
/scheduler/node/<node_id>/proc/uptime A copy of the /proc/uptime file. The time the system has been up.
/scheduler/node/<node_id>/proc/version A copy of the /proc/version file. The kernel version.
/scheduler/node/<node_id>/proc/vmstat A copy of the /proc/vmstat file. Detailed virtual memory statistics from the kernel.
/scheduler/node/<node_id>/scheduler/params.json Operator runtime configuration.
/scheduler/node/<node_id>/scheduler/replicated-operator-inspect.json Result of the command docker inspect replicated-operator. Return low-level information on the replicated-operator container.
/scheduler/node/<node_id>/scheduler/replicated-operator.log Result of the command docker logs replicated-operator --tail 10000. Docker replicated-operator container logs.
/scheduler/node/<node_id>/scheduler/runtime/goroutines.txt Stack traces of all current goroutines.
/scheduler/node/<node_id>/scheduler/var/lib/replicated-operator/logs/* Archived vendor application container logs.
/scheduler/node/<node_id>/scheduler/var/lib/replicated-operator/replicated-operator.conf A copy of the /var/lib/replicated-operator/replicated-operator.conf file. Replicated operator generated configuration file.
/scheduler/node/<node_id>/var/log/upstart/docker.log A copy of the /var/log/upstart/docker.log file. Upstart docker logs.
/scheduler/node/<node_id>/var/log/upstart/replicated-operator.log A copy of the /var/log/upstart/replicated-operator.log file. Upstart replicated-operator logs.
/scheduler/node/<node_id>/var/log/upstart/replicated-ui.log A copy of the /var/log/upstart/replicated-ui.log file. Upstart replicated-ui logs.
/scheduler/node/<node_id>/var/log/upstart/replicated.log A copy of the /var/log/upstart/replicated.log file. Upstart replicated logs.
/scheduler/nodes.txt A list of all scheduler nodes.