This content is associated with a legacy version of the Replicated product. For the current Replicated product documentation, see
replicatedctl snapshot ls
List snapshots
List snapshots
replicatedctl snapshot ls [flags]
--force-reload Force snapshot server to restart and recover snapshot database
-h, --help help for ls
-o, --output string Output format. One of: json|yaml
-q, --quiet Only display IDs
--template string Format the output using the given Go template
Options inherited from parent commands
--host string Replicated API host (default "unix:///var/run/replicated/replicated-cli.sock")
--path string Snapshot location path. The value should be an absolute path. This option is only used with local and sftp backends.
--s3-bucket string S3 bucket name. This option is only used with s3 backend.
--s3-compatible-endpoint string AWS compatible S3 endpoint. This option is only used with s3 backend.
--s3-folder string S3 folder name. This option is only used with s3 backend.
--s3-key-id string ID of the secret key that has write access to the specified S3 bucket. This option is only used with s3 backend.
--s3-region string S3 bucket region. This option is only used with s3 backend.
--s3-secret-key string Secret key value. This option is only used with s3 backend.
--s3-server-side-encryption string AWS server side encryption type, can be '' or 'aws:kms'. This option is only used with s3 backend.
--s3-sse-kms-key-id string AWS SSE KMS Key ID for server side encryption. This option is only used with s3 backend.
--sftp-host string Hostname or IP of the server where snapshots will be stored. The value can be in host or host:port format. The address can be of the same server, however the value localhost cannot be used. This option is only used with sftp backend.
--sftp-key string base64 encoded private key PEM data used for authentication, passed on the command line. This option is only used with sftp backend.
--sftp-user string User name that will be used to login to the SFTP host. This option is only used with sftp backend.
--store string Backend store. Valid values are s3, sftp, and local.
- replicatedctl snapshot - Manage snapshots